Use Hues Wisely: 3 Principles to Keep in Mind to Color Your Garden Right

Color is a default aesthetic element in gardens. Place some flowering plants here, and you’ll have instant pops of pinks and blues. Put some brick pavements and a pergola in the middle of the garden, and you’ll have earth-y tones that offer a good contrast to the bright hues.

But just because color naturally exists in your plants and hardscaping materials doesn’t mean it’s okay not to think of it much when planning. In fact, if you treat hues as an afterthought, you’ll find yourself standing in a garden that has a hodgepodge of color schemes.

Not exactly the visual treat you want for your relaxation-meditation-entertainment area, right? Your goal then is to master the art of coloring your garden right. That said, here are some principles you can use:


If you don’t want your garden colors looking like they’re random picks, this design concept is the first thing that should be on your mind. Choose a color or two that you want to replicate throughout the area.

It can be your favorite red. It can be the accent hue of your interiors, a good idea for creating some sense of continuity to the outdoor space. It can simply be the color of the roses and peonies you wanted to see always.

The important thing is to zoom in on a particular color or color-combo and repeat it in different elements, from the plants to the stone pathways, in your garden. This will create a cohesive feel in the yard and make the eyes move through the space.


No matter how bright and vivid the colors you chose, it can grow dull as you become used to them over time. So, if possible, if your time, budget, and energy allow, change up the colors of your garden as the seasons change.

Bright yellows and oranges in the summer. Blues and violets in winter. Greens on spring and maroons in the fall. You don’t have to replace every design feature in the space though. You can concentrate on the garden’s focal point only or at the particular space you and your guests frequently use.

In fact, just a switch up in the little details, such as antique copper garden planters, benches, or patio furniture cushions and pillows, are enough to make a big difference in your usual sights.

Negative Space

garden with a wide lawn space

The ‘absence’ of colors is equally important as the use of bold, wild hues. When you put beige, gray, or white in your walls, for instance, they offer a nice background that emphasizes the color of the plants and other elements in your yard.

So as much as you’re so hyped with filling everything with colors, do know that there are some things worth keeping subdued in tone. Think of the walls as a blank canvas.

It’s also good to have lots of negative space in the area of the garden where you meditate. The bare neutrals will help avoid distractions and help you focus more on your thoughts.

Color is a naturally existing aesthetic element in gardens, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be part of your landscaping planning. Color your garden right with these principles.

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