Basic Gear Every Family Should Have at Home


In times of emergency or crisis, having the right tools and supplies can make all the difference. Whether you’re facing a natural disaster, a power outage, or a medical emergency, having essential gear on hand can help you stay prepared and respond effectively to unexpected situations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore ten essential pieces of basic gear that everyone should have in their emergency preparedness kit.

A Water Purifier

Access to clean water is crucial for survival, especially in emergency situations where water sources may be contaminated and you need dirty water treatment. A water purifier is an essential piece of gear that can help you safely treat dirty water and make it suitable for drinking. Whether you’re facing a natural disaster or a camping trip gone awry, having a reliable water purifier can provide peace of mind and ensure access to clean drinking water when you need it most. There are various types of water purifiers available, each with its advantages and limitations. Understanding these options can help you choose the right one for your emergency preparedness kit.

Portable water filters, such as straw filters and pump filters, are compact and easy to use. They are designed to remove bacteria, protozoa, and other contaminants from water sources. These filters are ideal for hiking, camping, and emergency situations where you need to filter water on the go.

Water purification tablets are a lightweight and convenient option for treating water. These tablets contain chemicals, usually iodine or chlorine, that kill bacteria and viruses. They are a good backup option to have in your emergency kit, as they require no additional equipment and can treat large quantities of water quickly.

UV water purifiers use ultraviolet light to destroy microorganisms in water. These devices are effective against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. They are typically battery-powered and can purify water quickly, making them a good choice for emergency use. However, they do not remove chemical contaminants or particulates, so they may need to be used in conjunction with other filtration methods.

Gravity-fed water filters use the force of gravity to pull water through a filtration system. These filters are capable of treating large volumes of water and are suitable for use in base camps or shelters. They often include multiple stages of filtration to remove a wide range of contaminants.

Hand-pump filters are portable devices that allow you to manually pump water through a filtration system. They are effective at removing bacteria, protozoa, and particulates from water. These filters are durable and can be used to treat water from various sources, making them a versatile addition to your emergency kit.

When selecting a water purifier, consider factors such as the types of contaminants it can remove, its ease of use, and its portability. Having a combination of water purification methods in your emergency kit can provide added security, ensuring that you have access to clean drinking water in any situation.

Regularly test and maintain your water purification equipment to ensure it functions correctly when needed. Understanding how to use each type of purifier and practicing these skills before an emergency arises can help you stay prepared. In summary, investing in a reliable water purifier and familiarizing yourself with its operation are crucial steps in safeguarding your access to clean water during emergencies.


Buckets may seem like a simple tool, but they can be incredibly versatile in emergency situations. From collecting rainwater for drinking and hygiene to transporting supplies and debris, buckets are a practical and essential piece of basic gear to have on hand. Additionally, buckets can be used for tasks such as well pumps and firefighting, making them indispensable in a variety of emergency scenarios.

One of the most important uses for buckets in emergencies is water collection and storage. In situations where water supply lines are disrupted, having a means to collect rainwater or transport water from natural sources is critical. Buckets can be fitted with lids to keep the water clean and free from contaminants. Moreover, buckets can be used to create an improvised handwashing station by adding a spigot to the bottom, which is crucial for maintaining hygiene during emergencies.

Buckets are also valuable for sanitation purposes. In the absence of working plumbing, a bucket with a tight-fitting lid can serve as an emergency toilet. Adding a liner and using absorbent materials, such as sawdust or kitty litter, can help manage waste until normal services are restored. This can significantly reduce the risk of disease and improve living conditions during prolonged outages.

For those involved in gardening or small-scale farming, buckets are essential for transporting soil, compost, and harvested crops. They can also be used for container gardening, allowing you to grow food even if you have limited space or soil. This can be particularly important in a long-term emergency where food supplies are disrupted.

In addition to water and sanitation, buckets can play a critical role in emergency firefighting efforts. A bucket brigade, where people pass buckets of water from a source to a fire, can be a simple yet effective method for controlling small fires until professional help arrives. Buckets can also be used to store fire-suppressant materials like sand or foam.

Buckets are useful for organizing and storing emergency supplies. They can be used to keep food, medical supplies, tools, and other essentials in a secure and easily accessible location. Labeling each bucket by its contents ensures that you can quickly find what you need when time is of the essence.

Furthermore, buckets can serve as seating, step stools, or even improvised cooking devices. In a pinch, a metal bucket can be used to create a small, controlled fire for cooking or warmth. With some basic modifications, such as adding holes for ventilation, you can convert a bucket into a rocket stove for efficient cooking.

In summary, the humble bucket is a versatile and indispensable tool in any emergency preparedness kit. Its myriad uses for water collection, sanitation, gardening, firefighting, and storage make it an essential item for ensuring survival and comfort during a crisis. Having multiple buckets on hand, along with the knowledge of how to use them effectively, can greatly enhance your readiness for a wide range of emergency situations.

First-Aid Kits

Injuries and medical emergencies can happen at any time, so it’s essential to have a well-stocked first-aid kit as part of your basic gear in place of a local ER. Whether you’re dealing with minor cuts and bruises or more serious injuries, having essential medical supplies on hand can help you provide immediate care and stabilize patients until professional help arrives. A basic first-aid kit should include items such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, and pain relievers, as well as any personal medications you may need.

In addition to the basics, a comprehensive first-aid kit should contain items to handle a wider range of emergencies. Including a first-aid manual can be extremely helpful, providing step-by-step instructions for treating various injuries and ailments. Items such as sterile gloves, CPR face shields, and a digital thermometer can enhance your ability to respond to medical situations effectively.

For treating wounds, it’s crucial to have a variety of bandages, including adhesive bandages of different sizes, sterile gauze pads, and elastic bandages for sprains. Butterfly closures and adhesive sutures can be useful for closing more significant cuts. Antiseptic solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine, help clean wounds and prevent infections. Having antibiotic ointments on hand can further protect against infection and promote healing.

Burns are another common injury that can occur in emergencies. Including burn dressings, burn gel, and aloe vera in your kit can help treat minor burns and relieve pain. For more severe burns, it’s important to cover the area with a sterile, non-stick dressing and seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

Having a selection of over-the-counter medications is also important. Pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help manage pain and reduce fever. Antihistamines are essential for treating allergic reactions, while anti-diarrheal medications and oral rehydration salts can be vital in cases of food poisoning or dehydration. Including any necessary prescription medications in your kit is critical, especially if you or your family members have chronic conditions.

Specialized tools can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your first-aid kit. A pair of trauma shears can cut through clothing and seat belts, allowing you to access and treat injuries more easily. A flashlight or headlamp ensures you have adequate lighting in low-visibility situations. A cold pack can reduce swelling and numb pain from injuries like sprains and fractures.

Regularly check your first-aid kit to ensure that all items are in good condition and have not expired. Replace used or out-of-date supplies promptly. Personalizing your first-aid kit to meet the specific needs of your household is also essential. For instance, if someone in your family has severe allergies, including an epinephrine auto-injector is a must. Being prepared with a well-stocked and maintained first-aid kit can make a significant difference in how effectively you respond to medical emergencies. It’s an indispensable part of your emergency preparedness that ensures you can provide essential care and improve outcomes during critical situations.


Having a basic toolkit on hand can be invaluable in emergency situations where HVAC repair and maintenance are necessary. Whether you’re dealing with a broken appliance, a leaking pipe, or a malfunctioning HVAC system, having essential tools readily available can help you troubleshoot and address issues quickly and effectively. A basic toolkit should include items such as screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, duct tape, electrical tape, a utility knife, and a flashlight, as well as any specialized tools you may need for specific repairs.

A Safe

If you’re a gold buyer, protecting your valuables and important documents is essential, especially in emergencies where security may be compromised. A safe is an essential piece of gear that can help you safeguard items such as cash, jewelry, passports, and important documents from theft, fire, and water damage. Whether you’re facing a home invasion, a natural disaster, or a fire, having a secure place to store your valuables can provide peace of mind and ensure that your most important possessions are protected.

A Computer

In today’s digital age, a computer is a crucial tool for communication, information access, and emergency preparedness. Whether you’re accessing vital information online, communicating with emergency services, or coordinating with family members during a crisis, having a reliable computer can be invaluable. Additionally, a computer can be used for tasks such as computer repair and troubleshooting, making it a versatile and essential piece of basic gear for emergency preparedness.

A Multitool

A multitool is a compact and versatile tool that combines multiple functions into one convenient device, making it great for AC repairs. From cutting and slicing to screwing and prying, a multitool can help you tackle a wide range of tasks in emergency situations. Whether you’re camping in the wilderness or facing a power outage at home, having a multitool on hand can provide you with the tools you need to address unexpected challenges quickly and efficiently.

Propane Tanks

Propane tanks are a convenient and portable source of fuel that can be used for cooking, heating, and powering essential appliances during emergencies. Whether you’re camping in the great outdoors or facing a power outage at home, having a supply of propane tanks on hand can provide you with a reliable source of energy when other fuel sources are unavailable. Additionally, propane tanks are relatively safe and easy to store, making them an ideal option for emergency preparedness.

A Power Generator

A home generator is a valuable piece of equipment that can provide backup power during emergencies such as blackouts, storms, and natural disasters. Whether you’re facing a short-term power outage or an extended period without electricity, having a reliable power generator can help you maintain essential functions such as lighting, heating, refrigeration, and communication. With a power generator as part of your basic gear, you can ensure that you and your family stay safe, comfortable, and connected during emergencies.

Emergency Cash

In emergencies where electronic payment systems may be unavailable, having emergency cash on hand can be a lifesaver and cna prevent you from needing a bankruptcy attorney. Whether you need to purchase supplies, pay for transportation, or access essential services, having a stash of cash readily available can help you navigate unexpected situations with ease. Additionally, emergency cash can provide peace of mind and financial security in times of crisis, allowing you to focus on staying safe and addressing immediate needs without worrying about access to funds.


Being prepared for emergencies requires careful planning, foresight, and the right tools and supplies. By investing in essential basic gear such as water purifiers, buckets, first-aid kits, toolkits, safes, computers, multitools, propane tanks, power generators, and emergency cash, you can ensure that you’re ready to face unexpected challenges and protect yourself and your loved ones in times of crisis. Remember to regularly review and update your emergency preparedness kit to ensure that you have everything you need to stay safe, secure, and resilient in any situation.

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